
Laser for skin not just hair!

Light therapy commonly used to target the hair follicle resulting in "permanent" hair removal also has its place in skin enabling reduction in redness, small blood vessels and even pigment (brown spots).

AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is the next generation of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) laser treatment technology that improves the texture, tone and appearance of skin with minimal downtime.

How does laser work?

Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. AFT is one of the newer forms of light therapy. Unlike a laser, AFT uses a broad range of light wavelengths to deliver energy to the skin.

IPL therapies, including AFT, deliver a burst of intense, high-energy light to the skin. The wavelength of the light determines the depth of penetration and the likely targeted tissue.

The light at the wavelengths used in our AFT machine is preferentially absorbed by melanin (pigment in our skin) and haemoglobin (blood). The energy of the light heats up and destroys the target cells. In this way we are able to treat pigmented lesions such as sun spots or liver spots, but also red lesions such as erythema and capillaries as seen in rosacea, post-inflammatory pigmentation from acne and even vascular birth marks. The heat of the light is also absorbed to a limited degree by the unpigmented areas of the skin, causing the skin to tighten up. The heating effect also induces the skin to produce more collagen.

What can AFT laser be used for?

AFT corrects signs of: • Brown marks and spots – like sun-damage, sunspots, age spots, liver spots and freckles • Red marks and spots – like diffused redness, rosacea, red and sensitive skin, broken capillaries, tiny red visible veins, and birth marks. • Aging and dull skin – dull aged skin, fine lines, and wrinkles So, if you would like skin rejuvenation i.e., to improve irregular pigmentation and sunspots or reduce persistent redness, dilated blood vessels or red birthmarks this could be the treatment for you.

What can you expect from AFT?

Lesions treated with AFT will initially worsen post procedure in that you may experience darkening of the pigmented areas, minor bruising or even swelling of the red areas treated. The downtime is minimal. Results are typically achieved with 4-6 sessions and may require touch ups as AFT can't prevent further changes related to ageing, sun exposure or underlying disease. However if used for acne scars (post-inflammatory erythema) or birth marks touch ups may not be needed.

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